Picture it for a moment: you are presented with a really challenging moment in your life. And you have the choice to buckle down under the pressure of it all, or dive in and make something work. And yes, Virginia, this is a choice, and a perspective!

For many of us, buckling is an option – for a while at least – as the weight of a given situation can be seriously heavy. This is also a very natural reaction. And it’s okay to be human. Our initial reactions to shocking news can be extreme and don’t tend to reach our heads but remain in our hearts and emotions.

Some of us intrinsically have more bounce than others. Making the decision to face bad news head on, confront it, and work your way through it to succeed is an incredible thing. Not everyone can do it, and let’s remind ourselves no one can bounce all the time, but for those for whom it comes more easily – it’s a formidable personality trait.

Think about the people in your life who have gone through a personal struggle – how did they handle it? It’s easy to see that people react very differently.

And let’s not kid ourselves. With every decision that gets made, there is sacrifice involved. That too comes with making choices. A yes to this means a no to something else. We can’t have everything. And this isn’t easy.

Part of increasing your resilience is making a choice, the decision to look for that silver lining. And yes I believe every situation has a silver lining – and happy to have you weigh in on this idea.

At Spiral By Design Consulting, I would love to connect with you to discuss how we can collaborate to increase your personal level of bounce. Building upon the skills that you already have (and trust me you’ve got this – we are all stronger than we know!) and sharing them with your team and your colleagues is one of our super powers. Reach out to me for a chat about coaching and workshops for yourself and/or your team.

Reach out at – one step at a time.

#resilience #bounce #startingover #loveyourwork