This month I’m sharing ideas about resiliency.

Does anyone remember that Monty Python skit “nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition”? Our lives are full of the unexpected, never mind the Spanish Inquisition! One of the biggest – and trust me, very common – “rugs being pulled out from under you” moments is when you unexpectedly lose your job. 

Situations like this have a tendency to bring out the best or worst in people – because we are at our most vulnerable. For those who place a lot of weight on their professional lives and define their world through their work, being let go can feel like the end of the world. And yet – pushing reset on your professional life can be a real game changer for some. You are given the gift of time to assess and reassess where you’re at and what you’d like to going forward. 

There’s a saying that goes “Jump – and the net will appear”.  Starting over is always a difficult thing to do – more or less scary.  And yet, at the end of the day, to make things happen, you must take that jump to see where you land. 

If this connects with you in some way because you have lived through a reset experience and are now adjusting to a new reality, Spiral By Design Consulting specializes in supporting people just like you. I would love to connect with you to see how we can collaborate and find the joy in starting over.

Reach out at – one step at a time.

#resilience #bounce #startingover #loveyourwork